Next Water Generation

  • Under the slogan “Raising Awareness on Waste Reduction in Europe”, Finnova is organising an event on Thursday 10h00 to 11h30 CET. 
  • It will bring together various European experts and projects working in the field of circular economy and waste treatment and reuse.

Next Thursday 24 November, from 10:00 to 11:30 CET, in the framework of the European Week for Waste Reduction,  Finnova Foundation will hold this event entitled by “Raising awareness on waste reduction in Europe”, which will bring together various European experts and projects working in the field of circular economy and waste treatment and reuse. The European project LIFE ECODIGESTION 2.0 will be one of the protagonists of this event.

The purpose of this event, in which representatives of the projects BIOMASA-CAP, Ecoval Sudoe, 2G2 Algae, Hub Iberia Agrotech (HIBA), LIFE BIOGASNET and LIFE INFUSION will participate, will be to share experiences, create synergies and promote alliances between projects working in the field of circular economy. This sort of actions, in which several projects will be able to showcase their technologies, offer the possibility of being able to contribute to solving the waste problem, while raising awareness of the importance of waste reduction and prevention.

The LIFE ECODIGESTION 2.0 project, led by Global Omnium and whose partners are Finnova and Águas do Centro Litoral, is developing innovative technology at scale for the control and automation of co-digestion in WWTPs, producing green energy on demand. With this project, the consortium is working to prevent the loss of resources and energy contained in waste and sludge from WWTPs, which accounts for between 1 and 3% of the total energy produced in the European Union and represents some 10,000 GWh/year, causing the emission of more than 27 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Let’s Clean Up Europe

European Waste Reduction Week (EWWR) encourages all Europeans to take action to raise awareness about sustainable resource and waste management during a single week in November. Under the slogan “Let’s Clean Up Europe“, this year’s European Week for Waste Reduction will focus on promoting the reduction of consumption, the reuse of products and materials and the recycling of waste. These good practices are known as the 3R’s which have an impact on Europe’s sustainable recovery.

Anyone interested in contributing to the issue of over-consumption and over-production of waste can attend the event, where an exchange of ideas and strategies based on promoting the circular economy in Europe will take place.

Participate and register here

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It is a demonstrative pilot project, funded by the LIFE programme, that generates biogas in water treatment plant digesters by mixing putrescible organic waste (slurry, poultry, organic fractions, MSW, horeca, etc.), in a way that allows transforming sludge from wastewater treatment plants into green energy through technology. The initiative led by Global Omnium, (Spain), in collaboration with the Finnova Foundation (Belgium) and Águas do Centro Litoral (Portugal) aims to become the most versatile digestion control tool on the market by achieving environmental and economic benefits through the production of biogas through optimal waste exploitation. Thanks to this technology, it favours the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the exploitation of sewage sludge generated in wastewater treatment processes, thus achieving a positive impact on the environment.

About Finnova

Finnova is a Spanish-Belgian non-profit foundation based in Brussels (Belgium) with a presence in Spain in the Valencia region, the Basque Country, Andalusia, the Madrid region, Extremadura and the Canary Islands. The foundation works for the promotion and development of innovation and entrepreneurship at EU level and operates through collaborations and partnerships in all EU countries. Finnova’s experience in leading communication activities and dissemination of European projects is combined with a solid proven track record in business creation and entrepreneurial support programmes, such as accelerators, incubators and incubators. In addition, it is committed to the training and employability of young people.

About Biomass – CAP

Cross-border project for R&D centres in Spain and Portugal. The aim of the previous project, Biomasa – AP, was to optimise the exploitation and use of biomass from pruning residues, scrubland, vines and kiwifruit. Biomasa – CAP, consists of capitalising on these results and extending the Biomasa Cross-Border Network.

About Ecoval Sudoe

It is a project co-financed by the Interreg Sudoe programme through the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF. Its main objective is to overcome the legal, technological, social and cultural barriers that allow the development of business models for the commercialisation of high added value by-products – volatile fatty acids and fertilisers – obtained from sewage sludge and urban bio-waste generated in urban environments in the Sudoe Area.

About 2G2 Algae Solutions

The main objective of the project is to apply microalgae cultivation technology to help recover and collaborate in the conservation of natural resources, in order to preserve the biodiversity of the planet.

About HIBA

The project’s main objective is the creation of a multi-regional ecosystem for accompanying Agro-digitisation, whereby cooperation between local innovation ecosystems and the multi-regional IHL network is crucial. Through digitisation, the aim is to promote efficient, sustainable and joint management of resources, in line with the European Green Pact.


The main objective of the project is to demonstrate a new cost-effective and environmentally friendly technology for biogas desulphurisation, based on biological processes, capable of obtaining high quality biogas and valuable final by-products.


The project aims to recover energy, nutrients and water from landfill leachate and liquid digestate from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and to reduce its environmental impact on MSW treatment facilities.

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