Next Water Generation

The LIFE Infusion project has developed innovative technological tools for wastewater treatment to obtain biogas from municipal waste. To share the results obtained so far and promote networking, it is organising the online event “Circular Solutions for Waste and Wastewater Management”. The event will be held on Thursday 7 April, from 10:00h to 13:00h CET. 

The first part of the event will be a round table discussion formed by the projects LIFE BIOGASNET, LIFE INFUSION, LIFE ZERO WASTE WATER and our project LIFE ECODIGESTION 2.0. Its objective is to create a space in which to share innovative solutions to the same problem, that of putrescible organic waste and the application of the circular economy for its sustainable treatment. Carlos Lafita, R&D&I technician at Global Omnium, the leading entity of the LIFE ECODIGESTION 2.0 project, will speak about the automation of co-digestion in WWTP. 

The second block will feature experts who will present two innovative technologies that make it possible, on the one hand, to obtain quality biomethane and, on the other, high concentrations of ammonium from liquid waste effluents. These presentations will be given by Aquila and Detricon, respectively. Finally, in the last section, representatives from the municipality of Genoa (Italy) and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona will talk about their experience with a local territory focused on the circular economy.

To attend the conference, you must register by clicking on the following link:


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